Check out the interview with Florian Thomas, Test Technician at Healtis!

Our Test Technician Florian Thomas answers a few questions about his career and his current position within the Healtis team!
Read the interview below:

1/ First of all, where are you from?

I grew up in a village on the outskirts of METZ, where I stayed until I finished my studies.

2/ Can you describe your career in a few words? 

After graduating from high school with a general baccalaureate in science, I started my first year studying medicine. After 6 months in this program, I switched to the IUT ‘Mesures Physiques’, located in the Metz technopole.

I did my end-of-year internship at Healtis working on E-field mapping in MRI. After my internship, Healtis offered me a permanent contract as a test technician which I accepted.


3/ Can you describe your role and your evolution within Healtis?

I started at the beginning of 2018 as a test technician and equipment management manager.

As a test technician, I carry out the various MRI tests we offer at Healtis. Over the years, I’ve received certification for eleven different tests, which has enabled me to broaden my understanding of the risks associated within the MRI environment. I now carry out a large proportion of the company’s MRI testing. I’ve also gained experience in carrying out benchtop laboratory tests.

As Equipment manager my role is to manage the operational side of our stock of equipment, instruments and customer test objects within the company.

In 2022, I was given the role of logistics and premises coordinator, which enables me to take care of incoming and outgoing parcels, monitor supply stocks and manage the company’s consumables.

4/ Finally, how do you feel about the Healtis team?

Healtis has a very friendly atmosphere, I’ve been lucky to see the team grow over the years and there’s still that spirit of comradery and mutual help that persists.

My job gives me the chance to work with a large part of the company, and it’s a real opportunity to learn from the different teams.