Healtis will be present at the annual congress of the French Society of Magnetic Resonance in Biology and Medicine (SFRMBM)


The annual congress of the French Society of Magnetic Resonance in Biology and Medicine (SFRMBM) will be held from March 13 to 26, 2025 in Saint-Malo, France.

Our PhD students Walid Fateh Eddine Bouzid and Diego González Soto will be presenting scientific posters on the following topics:

  • Assessment of radiofrequency related risks on implantable medical devices in MRI.
  • Analysis of the induced vibrations on implantable medical devices during MRI examinations.

We look forward to insightful discussions in these exciting topics, and in the field of MRI safety.

Questions about this research or MRI safety more generally? Reach out now at [email protected]